From the Archives: Quick and easy Frying Pan Granola

Words and photos by Susie Sandford Smith

Close up of granola cooking and with fruit

Close up of granola cooking and with fruit

I keep meaning to make granola, sometimes I get as far as buying about half of a long list of ingredients (is it only me that seems to always find the recipes that have the longest list of ingredients?) and then, somehow I lose interest. I suppose, I haven't really got the granola bug. But one day, I found myself really craving something sweet and crunchy to go atop my yoghurt and, because of lack of forethought, my quick and easy Frying Pan Granola was born.

Note - this should really be called quick and easy Frying Pan Granola Type Thing...but that's not that catchy, is it?

Frying Pan Granola

Don't make the mistake of thinking that this is a 'healthy' dish, because I'm pretty sure that it's not. It is, however, delicious and it tastes luxurious and indulgent and that's pretty good for a breakfast cereal non!?

Serves 1


1/2 cup jumbo rolled oats

1 tbsp dessicated coconut

1 tbsp hulled pistachio nuts

1/2 to 1 tbsp coconut oil or butter

1/2 to 1tbsp date syrup (or substitute whatever you have, agave, honey, golden syrup)

Granola ingredients

Granola ingredients

Heat a heavy bottomed frying pan over a medium heat and dry 'roast' the oats and pistachios until lightly browned (about a minute and a half), tossing or stirring frequently.

Add the dessicated coconut  and continue to roast for another minute or until there's a 'toasted' smell and the pistachios start to smell very nutty.

Add the coconut oil and syrup and then lower the heat and stir until the fat is completely melted and everything is well combined and coated. Add more coconut oil or syrup if the mixture is not well coated.

Eat straight away with yoghurt (make sure it's full fat) or fromage blanc, if you can get your hands on it. Top with fresh fruit and drizzle with honey.

This would be scrumptious sprinkled with dried sour cherries or cranberries.

Enjoy the wonderful, deep, rich, nutty flavour. Divine.

Granola with fruit and yoghurt

Granola with fruit and yoghurt