From the Archives: Ladies and new favourite bar (in a Kentish Town loo).

Words and photos by Susie Sandford Smith

Collage of Susie at Ladies and Gentlemen

Collage of Susie at Ladies and Gentlemen

Ever since seeing the architect Laura Clark's converted loo apartment on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces, I've been a little intrigued by, and wanted to visit, a converted public convenience. Fast forward a good few years to a conversation with my darling daughter in which she mentions that she popped in to a great new bar that has only been open a couple of weeks and, oh..."I think you'd love it mum, it's a converted loo on Kentish Town Road"...

Say what!? YES!!! I'm there, sooner than now.

Actually, I had to wait a couple of days for my cocktail partner Hannah to get back after the Christmas holidays and THEN I was there! And, seriously, if you're at all into cocktails you have to go, not for the novelty factor (it's not that novelty, actually, rather it feels like a really warm, comfortable space) but for the bloody good cocktails.

Photo of Ladies and Gentlemen sign

Photo of Ladies and Gentlemen sign

Hannah and I went on New Year's Eve Eve, as Hannah wasn't up for going out on New Year's Eve proper. When we arrived, the bar, which is larger than you'd expect but still pretty tiny, was packed and standing room only. The bar staff were incredibly (do not read overly) friendly and helpful and we soon found ourselves comfortably ensconced at a table between groups of drinkers merrily chatting away.

Photos of Ladies and Gentlemen bar

Photos of Ladies and Gentlemen bar

The bar has been a long time in the making, and from what I've read, it met with a fair few objections from some locals and some Council members one of which was that we shouldn't be losing these public conveniences. Absolutely, we shouldn't be but, if they're just sitting disused for decades, isn't it better to allow them to be used in some way? This bar feels friendly, comfortable, welcoming - it feels kind of like hanging out at a friend's house, a friend with an actually cool bar (as opposed to one of those seventies offerings) stuffed with the best ingredients and staffed by someone who really knows his/her stuff. The cocktails appear to all cost £8, which clearly isn't affordable to everybody but, it's cheaper than the cocktails I normally drink. I'm definitely sold and can't wait to go back.

There are a few quirky little decorative effects salvaged from the original loos, like the hand basin (no longer in use) below and the cisterns mounted high on the wall (one of which I'm pretending to worry might overspill in the first photo).

Photo of hand basin on wall of Ladies and Gentlemen

Photo of hand basin on wall of Ladies and Gentlemen

Ladies and Gentlemen drinks list

Ladies and Gentlemen drinks list

Between us Hannah and I tried the Rhubarb and Custard (which was so so good - it has restored my faith in rhubarb and custard cocktails after being put off by a curdled offering a few years back), the Ladies Old Fashioned (apparently very good) and, the Gentlemen's Old Fashioned (simply THE BEST). The list isn't extensive but it's interesting (homemade this and homemade that - for which, I'm always a sucker) and very well done. It would appear that it changes from day to day, I shall have to confirm that for myself by visiting several times...mwah ha. Why not. And, you can always order off menu too. They also do beer and shot pairings but, I couldn't tear myself away from the cocktails.

Hannah putting lipstick on looking in mirror

Hannah putting lipstick on looking in mirror

I love this shot of Hannah, it feels like a scene out of Brief Encounter. Very train carriage/train station waiting room. A little bit clandestine non? And, I do think it makes the most out of my inability to take photos in low light - yeh, this was TOTALLY the effect I was going for.

Susie drinking a Rhubarb and Custard cocktail

Susie drinking a Rhubarb and Custard cocktail

Really wanted to ask if they re-use the Birds containers - I presume so, but they didn't feel as though they would withstand that many washes.

Hannah drinking a Gentlemen's Old Fashioned

Hannah drinking a Gentlemen's Old Fashioned

And, what can I say about the Gentlemen's Old Fashioned except that it's utterly sublime! It's what I think a Harry Potter Butterbeer would taste like and it just tastes..., like being wrapped in comfort. And yes, that is a Werther's Original nestling amongst the glinting chunks of ice.

Ladies and Gentlemen Gentlemen's Old Fashioned

Ladies and Gentlemen Gentlemen's Old Fashioned

Ladies and Gentlemen - @ladyandgentsbar

2 Highgate Road, Kentish Town, NW5

Have you been to Ladies and Gentlemen? What do you think? What other North London cocktail bars would you recommend?